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Say Hello To Mac

This is Mac.  He was our much-loved Cocker Spaniel and obssesed with food!

Apawtiser • Hypoallergenic Dog Treats in Worksop, Sheffield

Unfortunately, when he was a pup, we noticed that he would get a lot of stomach upsets – we won’t go into too much detail! After a trip to the vet to be allergy tested, we found out that he has intolerances to most food you would expect a dog to be able to eat.

This severely limited what he could eat without any unpleasant side effects. We struggled to find any treats which he could have. This led us to develop our own range of dog treats which were more suited to sensitive tummies.

We are more than happy to discuss how we manage Mac’s allergies, through diet etc. See our FAQ page for more details. 

Apawtiser offers a range of treats to suit individual doggie dietary requirements, using ingredients known to be tolerated by most dogs. All recipes are rigorously taste-tested by our ‘in house’ experts - Mac and Bow!  They have to pass the drool test!